Local Governance App
My first application built in Java adhering to Object Oriented Design.
Local Governance System Abstraction for Pakistan built in JavaFX
My Motivations:
Why did I feel the need to build this app in the first place?
Well, in Pakistan my observations made me realize that local government here don’t promote public interactions and provide poor or no interfaces at all for the following activities:
- complaint system
- public discussion forum where ppl registered in the same District may be able to interact which each other
- monitoring of governance budget allocation and monetary accountability
This app was originally expected to resolve all these 3 issues and be deployed and integrated in the existing governance infrastrucutre of the country.
Out of the outlined activities we were able to successfully integrate the first 2 activities ; the last was too unfeasible to build and we couldn’t come up with unqiue algorithms to democartize the use of cryptocurrencies which could’ve provided the fin transparency which we wanted to achieve.
You can view a demo of the app here on my Linkedin post